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McCarthy Law


Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

There is no specific requirement such as the maximum weight a person can lift during their working practice. A number of factors are considered such as the nature of the task, the load, the working environment and individual capability. If there is a risk of injury in the task then the Regulations will apply.

The Regulations establish a hierachy of control measures your employer must take:

– avoid manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable. This is the first principle and your employer is obliged, so far as is reasonably practicable, to redesign the task to avoid moving the load or to automise or mechanise the process.

If that cannot reasonably be done then your employer should:

– make suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided

– Reduce the risk of injury from those operations so far as is reasonable practicable, look at ways of changing the task, the load and working environment.

Your employer is obliged to fit the job to you rather than you to the job.

If you have been injured at work in a manual handling operation then feel free to contact us or ask a question.

For more information or to discuss any services, please contact us by telephone on 0141 337 6678 or 07988 905 198 or by complete our enquiry form and we will contact you to discuss.